>>> Super Early Bird Pricing Ends 4/15/25 /// Networking /// Breakout Sessions /// Worship /// Demos /// Gear /// Fellowship /// Door Prizes /// Super Early Bird Pricing Ends 4/15/25

Incarnate: Wholly God, Fully Man, Begotten not Made

Our second attempt at a sermon series trailer. This series was for advent titled “Incarnate: Wholly God, Fully Man, Begotten not Made.” We wanted to create a sense of mystery and wonder at the incarnation of Jesus, and get congregants anticipating the unpacking of what it means to us that He was fully God and fully man. Shot on our Sony a6500, and the challenges we faced were more so in the scheduling actors and scouting locations, but a great learning process for us!

Living in Babylon: Walking with God in a Godless Culture

After attending Capture Summit in 2019, we were introduced to the idea of sermon series trailers. This sermon series was called “Living in Babylon: Walking with God in a godless culture” and was our first attempt at a sermon series trailer. We wanted to get the concept across that like Daniel, we are called to live in a culture, but not like a culture. We were made to stand out! Shot on our Sony a6500 on a tripod, we filmed this in a way where we could easily switch back and forth between speeding up and slowing down. Challenges were definitely getting volunteers involved, but it turned out that we had enough to pull off what we were looking for. The feedback we got was that people understood what the series was about and got excited for it. Success in our books!

15 Year Anniversary Documentary

This is a documentary we made celebrating the history of God’s work in our church, both historically and relationally. We shot the entire thing on a couple Sony a7sii’s and used a Magic Pro 2 for the aerials. For everything outside of the interview portions we specifically chose to shoot at focal lengths 200mm and above because we wanted to capture natural community and interaction between people without them even knowing the camera was around. The biggest challenge was how can we tell a story that spans 15 years that’s cohesive and yet still involve as much perspective as possible from people who were on the plant team, staff who had moved on, current staff, new members, 15 year members and so forth. We stroyboarded for 9 months before shooting and through that 9 month process we actually scrapped the theme we had planned and decided that we would trust that God would bring the theme he wanted out of the interviews. So we shot almost 30 interviews in a span of 3 days and what started as a 15 minute video because a full fledge short documentary at almost 45 minutes but it’s the greatest story we’ve ever told.

The Story

The Gospel presented in a spoken-word poetry format.

The Journey Home

This was a promotional video for a giving campaign to purchase and renovate a warehouse for our church home. Each shot was at a location that the church has gathered in.

Good News Cruise

Music video recap of 2017 Vacation Bible School at Bull Street Baptist Church in Savannah, GA. Music video technique is quite simple with little cost and is a good way for churches to make impressive summarizing recaps of special events even if it is their first video project. Spring for higher end equipment as the church get better at it.

Cedars of Lebanon

Relaxing and beautiful musical recap of activities at Baptist Camp Lebanon in NJ simply made by combining short video clips of camp activities and setting them to a wonderful song (Cedars of Lebanon) recorded by the Taylors to raise money for the camp (the song is still available from Amazon).