>>> Super Early Bird Pricing Ends 4/15/25 /// Networking /// Breakout Sessions /// Worship /// Demos /// Gear /// Fellowship /// Door Prizes /// Super Early Bird Pricing Ends 4/15/25

Church: Brentwood Baptist
Submitted by: Derek Cressman
Church Size: 5,000+
Location:  Brentwood, TN
Category:  Best Series Starter
Gear:  Red Raven, 240fps

Our church did a sermon series called Outflow. As soon as we heard the name of the series, we knew this was our opportunity to buy a fish tank, half and half, and more food coloring that you would need in your entire lifetime.

This was a very fun shoot. It took about 20 takes and each take required emptying a 10 gallon fish tank with a shop vac and cleaning the glass to keep the glass as clear as possible. It was quite a lot of physical work condensed into a 30-second video, but we were very pleased with the outcome.

We shot on the highest frame rate camera we could find in Nashville, the Red Raven shot at 240fps.

0 Responses

  1. I really liked this. The idea is brilliant. The visual effect powerful when combined with effective music and text. Well done.

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