Faith Strong

We shot this on a red camera, it was extremely hot with no air condition at a boxing gym in the middle of no where. We just told the cast members to act normal and work out while we captured the shots. During the fighting seem one of the actors got seriously hurt. The boxer and the singer are actually brother and sister. The TV shots of pastor preaching were done is post.
All of You | Official Lyric Video | Rose Heights Worship

We shot this with black magic cameras (4.6k and pocket 4K). We had the 4K on a gimble and the mini on sticks. It was a challenge because we used all natural lighting and had to haul all the gear up a steep hill (made for a nice view though!)
Winter Snow Featuring Hannah Kerr

This was a music video feature for our Online Christmas concert this year. This song was a cover of Audrey Assad’s “Winter Snow”. However, this was an original recording produced and recorded by David Hamilton featuring Hannah Kerr. This song was created for this music video.
With COVID keeping our entire congregation at home we filmed right inside our own chapel where our audience would feel most at home.
This was filmed all on the Canon C300Mkii through Rokinon Xeen glass at T1.5. We used enough Christmas lights to cover the Christmas tree in front of the Rockefeller Center.
Director: Derek Cressman
DP: Tim Morris
PA: Zachary Vaughn
Christ is our “Bridge over Trouble Waters”

For many years I’ve felt that one of my favorite songs was written as though it could be my Savior Jesus Christ talking to me, and promising me that he will always be my Bridge Over Troubled Waters. (A promise He has always kept.) Then, when I found a YouTube video of Paul Simon explaining how the inspiration came to him almost in an instant to write it, my feelings were confirmed.
The Miracle of Mercy

This was a music video we shot over the summer. We were entering a new sermon series, “The Miracle of Mercy,” and we got the idea to film a music video. This took months of planning in order to get this all to work. Also, because we filmed this on a roof we had to find a way up there. Luckily we had 2 ladders and a 3′ X 4′ opening on the roof to get up there. It took us a couple of hours to get everyone and all of the equipment up onto the roof, however, I think it was totally worth it!